Benefits of Tree Trimming, Deep Cleaning, and Disinfection

There are quite a lot of benefits to tree trimming. Making sure that your trees look exactly as they should has hence been our responsibility for many years. Now, we’re able to offer more than that. In addition to all of our tree trimming, removal, maintenance, and other services, we’ll be able to provide deep cleaning and disinfection services, too. That means we can keep your property clear of pathogens, such as, yes, COVID-19. 

benefits to tree trimming

Deep Cleaning and Disinfection for Safety 

During this lockdown, the one thing everyone wants to do is to stay safe. That means staying at home, self-quarantining if you have a fever or if you’ve come into contact with someone who could be potentially infected, and so forth. But, for this to truly be effective, then your home has to be completely virus-free too. While we cannot guarantee that our services will make your property 100% clean, we can use technology and protocols that can eliminate 99.99% of the pathogens that could do you harm. 

How We Operate 

Utilizing only equipment approved by the CDC and EPA, we isolate your property. From there, we send in a small team of professionals, each following appropriate social distancing. Decked out in absolutely top of the line PPE, they clean every inch of the area. That means getting the pathogens that are on your furniture, floors, walls and the like. It also means that they eliminate the ones that get kicked up into the air, too. Once the entire area is completely cleaned, then everything that could be even the slightest bit toxic is safely and utterly disposed of. Only after that is the job really done. 

Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Commercial Space 

Our deep cleaning and disinfecting services aren’t just limited to homes. We can do the same for your commercial property as well. While many companies have been forced to shut down, several others have not. By getting your property cleaned, you can do that much more to keep it safer. It’s a powerful gesture to show your staff, employees, colleagues, clients, customers, investors, or anyone else who comes by that you’re willing to do whatever it takes to ensure their safety. By that same token, many companies during this time have found ways to create additional revenue streams: filming videos showing some other facet of their business, restaurants that have moved to takeout, and so forth. Deep cleaning and disinfecting at your place of business gives your company a better chance to get through this. 

Benefits of Tree Trimming Year Round 

While this blog has been about introducing our cleaning services, don’t forget about our other services. Trees don’t stop growing because there’s a pandemic on. Trimming your trees is a great way to not only make sure that they grow right but also to make your property safer. We can trim your trees or provide any of our other services while social distancing and doing everything we can to ensure your safety. For a free estimate, head to our site or call us at (818) 888-9248

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