Crown and Height Reduction

Crowning is commonly confused with topping, a process which more often than not kills even some of the most established trees. Crown thinning and height reduction however, are two healthy and viable options. These are recommended for any tree owners that are worried about variables like weight distribution, overly dense canopy, or light blocking trees.

What is Crown Thinning?

Crown thinning is the removal of tertiary branches located at the topmost parts of the tree, or “crown.” This helps obtain a uniformed density and evenly spaced branch structure. Crown thinning should allow light to pass through the tree’s top, reaching the lower portions of your tree’s foliage. To obtain the most attractive and effective crown reduction, we suggest avoiding heading cuts. That’s to say, don’t lob all of the branches off at one particular set height. That’s called “tree-topping” and can actually harm your tree more than anything else.

crown and height trimming

At “Your Way Tree Service Inc.” we practice “drop-crotch” pruning, in which the trees primary branches are left in place while only the tertiary branches are pruned. This way, the height of the tree is not affected, only its density. On average, crown thinning approximately 30% of your tree’s foliage should be removed.

What is Crown Reduction?

On the other hand, crown reduction is most commonly performed on trees of individual limbs that are growing too close to buildings, utility wires or other trees. Generally, this type of pruning involves reducing the height or spread of the crown or individual limbs. Crown reduction is also commonly used to alleviate the mechanical stresses usually caused by an unbalanced tree. This process should retain the integrity and framework of the crown while reducing a tree’s canopy only enough to let more light in. Crown reduction shouldn’t be performed on all trees, so make sure to consult with a professional before crowning a tree.

crown reduction tree trimming los angeles

Make an Appointment Now!

Call us at 818.882.2335 or visit our contact page for our free professional consultation services. In addition to our complimentary consultation services, we also provide estimates in print. This ensures that whether you wait a week or a month to finally schedule a tree trimming appointment, the original service fee stands firm. Between our highly trained staff’s experience and our up-to-date equipment, we offer the most efficient tree crowning service.

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