Drought Services of Your Way Tree Service
Drought services of Your Way Tree Service can provide your lawn and trees sufficient amount of water to keep them hydrated.
We use watering service that gets to the root of your plants so they can survive during the times of drought.
The signs of drought in trees are usually subtle. In fact, it takes up to three years for these trees to show their full effects of drought damage.
In time of a drought season, it’s necessary that prolonged lack of water can significantly reduce the life span of your trees and other plants in your lawn or property.
Your Way Tree Service provides drought services to fight extreme dryness of soil. Our professionals are also specialists with several years of experience in keeping our clients’ lawn healthy, even during extreme drought condition.
We’ve included some treatments to help lawns that are drought-stressed.
Keeping on Track
The grass in your lawn or property will wilt because of a lack of water. Tree leaves, too, will wilt because they no longer have water to “consume.”
Before sunrise, water your trees, plants and lawn up to three times a week. It’s okay to water at night. But it increases the likelihood of plants to attract diseases and pests.
It’s also important that you mulch and leave the clippings behind so that the nutrients from those clippings will go back to the soil.
Our drought services will offer you some plans for the future. In this way, your property’s grass, plants and trees won’t suffer again.
We’ll cultivate deep-rooted plants that can tolerate extreme dry conditions. Dense turfgrass is considered as one of the best, most efficient defenses against the damages of drought.
Our staff will inspect your property on a regular basis to make sure that the soil and lawn still has the nutrients it needs and they’re not affected with drought stress.
Our drought services will also include tree pruning. Pruning your trees is one way to improve their structure and strength, allowing them to resist the damage of drought.
Pruning jobs should only be done by a professional. Please call us to assist you in tree pruning. We’ll send our trained arborist to help you prune your trees.
The drought services of Your Way Tree Service will make sure that your trees and plants are healthy. We also ensure that they’re pest-free. Insects and diseases can add stress to them during drought. Treating them appropriately can reduce the stress.
For more information about our drought services, call us at: (818) 882-2335.